Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest, yohoho and a bottle of rum

Matthias Reinmuth
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Bendana-Pinel Art Contemporain presents for the first time in Paris, the drawings and paintings of Matthias Reinmuth, a young german artist who currently lives in Berlin.

The works of this former student of Georg Baselitz, of both bright and toned-down colors, are like a succession of childish dreams devoid of innocence, captured in compositions that oscillate between a sparkling exuberance and a dark melancholy, and in which contradictory emotions blend in fragile unity.

The vocabulary here is abstract, even if a series of pictograms with strong references - wind turbines, cacti, ships and other domestic animals, often appear in his canvases, floating lightly in the undefined space of the painting. The canvases are sprinkled with masses of paint, that might sometimes cover large surfaces or just highlight details, and that remind us that we are standing in front of a oil painting, in all the meanings of the word.

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