ESTADO FALLIDO (État défaillant)

Mauro Giaconi
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Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporary is pleased to present "Failed state", the first solo exhibition in Paris of Mauro Giaconi.

"Failed state" is a series of works, which stand out from the last years of artistic research of Giaconi, where destruction and reconstruction of permanent mantras modify, redefine and go deep into the subjective environment of the artist.
The architecture, the body, borders and memory are some of the themes of a group of work with which Giaconi proposes to raise tension between opposite concepts, reflecting and blurring the boundaries between construction and destruction, weight and lightness, birth and death, sleep and awakening. Erase, use, are means by which Giaconi liberates forces, redemptive energies, moments of faith.

The term "failed state" was invented by journalists and political scientists to refer to a sovereign state in crisis that ceases to respect the fundamental safeguards and presents an undeniable social, political, and economic failure. Giaconi uses this term by merging it with its literal meaning, with the failure, with the status of error, of accident, of waste, by generating reflections on the permanence, on life and death.

Estado fallido, estallido de abrazos.
dibujar la piedra, desdibujar los muros
que son de todos, como los errores
cada quién que junte sus cenizas
que levante su propia fortaleza
donde quiera
donde quepa
para todos.

Estado fallido, muertos sin cuerpo.
nadie merece tumbas vacías
son llantos tan anchos que se muerden la cola.
desdibujemos el estado, el confort.
desdibujemos la patria
una para cada quien
donde quepa
para todos.


From the vertical line to the horizontal one that intersects the ground; decompose to come up against the suspension of the anecdote.
From the nervous hand, up to the line that it dissipates, disturb the calm of the support, of the floor, of the ceiling, of the wall that it squeezes, slowly, to the spaces.
From the failing state of things to the order of spoliations, other arguments ashes, remind quickly that memory is a phenomenon, a portable TV.
Under the weight of the failed state, of the formal thought, decorate with leaden and winged shoes, the ruins, by stacking missteps and burstings.
In front of the landscape removed of messages, nailed colorless trophies, fragiles, mental, defaulting, horizontal…

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