Horizons d'évènements

Pablo Zuleta Zahr
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This young Chilean artist working in Berlin proposes for the first time in Paris a photographic work integrating the great oppositions of life: the whole and the detail, the mass and the individuality, the structure and the chaos in a form which does not deny the coexistence of these elements and allows its complexity to be expressed simply.


In the series « Baquedano », Pablo Zuleta Zahr installed his video camera in public spaces. Starting early morning and throughout the whole day, all that passes in front of the objective is indistinctly recorded. Using these recordings, the photographer then organizes the images on his computer according to various criteria : sex, age, type and color of clothing. Initially isolated from the mass, the characters are then placed in groups that share identical and stereotyped characteristics. Deprived of all their individuality, they are joined together only by their resemblance. Zuleta Zahr thus approaches the stakes of globalisation and mass culture which affect our society.


In the series Madrid Subway, Zuleta Zahr continues his research task on the individuals in public places, scanning them from the underground. After having filmed individuals randomly, he is now interested in constructing intimate psychograms. The individuals are taken out of the context : geography, time and space. They are then digitally regrouped in a generalised dislocation to create new social bonds in a fictitious world.

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